Even though Taiwan is not an immense island, it still has a large variety of natural scenery and some incredible national parks. From Yushan, the biggest mountain on the island that rise up to almost 4000 meters, to the beautiful gorges in Taroko, Taiwan has it all. If you’re in Taiwan you don’t want to miss out on these natural wonders, thats why we will be discussing some of the best national parks Taiwan has to offer! You will get to know more about the parks and what to expect from them.
Yushan National Park
In this national park you can find Jade Mountain, the highest mountain in Taiwan which rises up to 3,952 meters. There are actually 30 peaks found in this park that rise over 3000 meters high. Because of this, Yushan National Park is heaven for hikers and the outdoor lovers.
Because of the high altitudes in this region it can get colder then you would have expected, so make sure you bring enough warm clothing in preparation.
For a lot of the trails in Yushan you will need to have a permit (including for Jade Mountain). During the winter season, you will even need to take a guide and have the correct alpine gear, so make sure you check out what the official government site says about regulations and where you can apply for your permit.
Website for permits and more information for Yushan National Park : https://npm.cpami.gov.tw/en/index.aspx
Taroko National Park
Probably the most famous national park in Taiwan and also one of the most famous tourist attractions in Taiwan! It is not without reason that Taroko is one of the biggest highlights of Taiwan, it has some of the most stunning scenery with deep gorges, waterfalls, and high mountains. Located in Hualien county, the 2nd biggest national park contains about 90 percent of mountains with the highest mountain rising up to 3700 meters above sea level.
Also in Taroko you will need a permit for some of the hikes, make sure you apply well in advance because some are really famous and the chance to be accepted last minute are really low. That said, there are still hikes and sights to be seen that do not require a permit.
For example one of the most famous hikes in Taroko is the Zhuliu Old Trail. This trail has been used for years by hunters and even the military and it goes next to a ridge that looks deep down into the gorge.
Website for permits and more information : https://npm.cpami.gov.tw/en/index.aspx
Kenting national park
Kenting National Park is located at the most southern point on the island of Taiwan. Kenting has some lush forests and some of the best beaches in the country. For this reason this place is a famous beach destination for a lot of tourists and there is a good surfing scene to be found. For Kenting National Park there is no permit needed, although they could ask an entry fee in some parts of the park.
Shei-Pa National Park
Shei-Pa National Park is home to Xueshan, the second tallest mountain in Taiwan which rises up to 3,886 meters above sea level. The park contains a wide variety of ecosystems, starting from the lowest point of the park at an altitude of 760 meters. The park is located on the border of Hsinchu, Miaoli and Taichung counties and can be accessed from each.
In this national park you will also need a permit for different hikes including Xueshan mountain, so make sure you check the conditions and apply in advance.
Website for permits and more information : https://npm.cpami.gov.tw/en/index.aspx
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