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Category: Fitness

Jan 04
Taiwan: A Burgeoning Outdoor Sports Epicenter

Taiwan could become a mecca for outdoor sports enthusiasts, and, in some ways, it is already being discovered.

Dec 25
A Guide to Hiking Yu Shan

"Because it is there;" "because it is calling and we must go;" "because we have always seen further from the shoulders of giants;" "because the eye is called to ever further horizons;" "because it is an adventure;" "because it is a challenge;" "because to stand upon a ridge line and to see the rise of deeper unexplored mountain ranges stirs something in the soul;" "because there will always be more mountains to climb." Whatever your reasons for venturing to Yu Shan (玉山) or Jade Mountain, we get it. It's not Everest,…

Dec 01
Places to Workout in Taipei

Here are some ideas and resources to get you started on your workout journey in Taipei.