And I found myself wondering, “Is euphoria discovered in steaming pools of naked old men?” We’ve written about hot springs before (check out our post about visiting the Bayan Wild Hot Springs), but it is soaking season in Taiwan and it seemed like a shame to let the opportunity for this post to pass us by. We recently took a pilgrimage to the town of Jiaoxi, for some bone level warmth and much needed TLC. It had been a long time since our last visit and we had forgotten both the…
It feels like the answer to a Zen koan asking how to find contentment in this turbulent world. It certainly is the answer to how to stave off the chill on a rainy afternoon in a winter in Taiwan. The Bayan Wild Hot Springs are located in the heart of Yangmingshan, about an hour and a half north of Taipei and are an incredible way to soak away your worries for an afternoon. Watch our video for a better sense of the experience.